from: Life per se : Entah Ya, Entah Tidak (
Over the years, I’ve done a few (many actually) consultancy and development work – (free or chargeable) on the following :
- Business Branding – Products and / or Company
- Logo Designs
- Flyers and Presentation Designs
- Technical and Business strategy etc

But I would not call myself an expert. For I am still learning and continue to learn and listen from the experts and pick up some tips and tricks every now and then. Often, I forego their influence in my work and I draw my inspiration from things around me.
The truth is, “Idea does exist in vacuum.”
So, whatever has been produced by anybody or everybody, is probably already somewhat existed somewhere.
But, I take extra effort in ensuring that my work are as original as I can get. There are few websites that I use, to check for any kind of plagiarism or similarity that exist somewhere – flyers, logos, captions etc. As long as the works is not a 100% duplicates or verbertim of someone’s work, I consider it is good to go.
If I have to use or publish someone’s work 100%, then, it is only right to acknowledge the original writers and / or designers. But at times, even without making any reference to other’s people work, there could be some similarity here and there.
As mentioned above, I draw inspirations from all around me but most importantly is that I understood (or at least I try) my customers’ requirements and aspiration. Of course there are times I do input “my 2 cents value” and advise them accordingly when I see fit. Sometimes they agree. Sometime they don’t. Ans since whatever I do is for them, it has got to be what they have envisioned, liked and / or aspired.
I do acknowledge the experts Rules of Thumb and / or the Do’s & Don’ts. But at times I violate it intentionally just to ensure that the “originality” is exhibited in my works. Not surprisingly by nature I am against the norm. I hear but I do not really listen and obey. Hence, some of my works are appreciated, some are not. Bottom line if I create for someone, it has to be for them and their likings.
There are various philosophies in design principles. Some say, it must depicts the products and services. Some say it must reflect the owners. and some say it has got to resonate with the audience. Personally, I found all that to be true with lots of rooms for objection to improve – to call it our own.
The fundamental philosophy of an art piece is – be it designs or literature works, once it is completed, it belongs to the viewers or the audience. It may or may not resonate with the audience. So that is ok. But lets not be offensive in those works. And in my view trying to understand the creator’s thoughts on what is being produced is futile. Sadly many schools teach students to draw out the thoughts of the creators / authors of their work piece – not what they draw from their own understanding, feeling and perception. And I hear students complaining that they got lower marks or failed just because they interpret the authors’ work based on their perception and understanding.
Why? Yes. I’ve often asked why?
If I want to know what are / were the thoughts of the authors / creators, I would probably ask him / her myself or study his life story. Unless, I am studying history or the creators’ life story, I often avoid spending time and energy trying to study him / her other than studying the works he / she has done.
It has been long since I do designs – due to my tight schedule. But today, out of interest and boredom, I came up with a logo of my pet – SEPET my cat.
If it permits I may or may not share some of my past logo designs etc….
Here is the LOGO of my cat SEPET… what do you think? hu hu?

january 2021