21st Snippet Sharing Session – How To Build A DreamTeam Pt 1

The 21st Snippet Sharing session topic is on Teamwork which is relevant to everyone as each of us will work with others and therefore a good understanding of teamwork is necessary. The topic on teamwork is divided into 2 – team development and team performance. So for this 21st snippet, we will first understand team development. There are 5 stages in team development.

Stage 1 is Forming – a group of people getting together is called a group but when that group has a specific goal and every member subscribes to that goal, the group will not be a team. So being in a team means sharing a vision and purpose, not just a ge-together of sorts. Therefore the more aligned the members of the group, the higher the chance of achieving that common goal. Differences are not the same as diversity. Differences will create problems in working together towards the goal. Diversity on the other hand is useful because diversity allows varying skills and perspectives to be jointly put as common resources to achieve that goal. So before forming a team, ensure that you are with the right people. Otherwise, instead of managing your gaol, you will be managing people instead.

Stage 2 is Storming. This is the do-or-die phase of teamwork. It is here that either the team spirit is sealed or this is where members realize that the team mix is wrong and the team will not work. Storming is the stage where after all members have been identified, everyone works on adjusting to each other, seeing the commonality instead of differences, sharing the strategies and tactics, and finding the synergy to work according to the skills and abilities of the members. Failure to agree or agree to disagree will break the team and signal the end of the teamwork. Having a good team leader is critical at this stage to bring everyone together on the same page and create unity.

Stage 3 is Norming – Having settled the ground rules and aligning all with the common goal, this is the stage where members adapt to each other and all start to make a fair contribution in accordance with the plan of achieving the goal. While everyone now moves in the same direction, speed may vary. Some will work better/faster, while some will lag. This stage is the longest phase in team development as it is also a work in progress. This is also the joy and the pain in teamwork and a lot of giving and taking (managing expectations) will be needed. The stronger the bond, the faster the team will get out of this morning stage to go into the next.

Stage 4 is Performing – this is where everyone is able to move at the same speed. No one is ahead and no one is left behind. Individual contribution is maximized and there is immense synergy. When the team has reached this stage it will probably be reaching the goal. The progress is at its peak and members have all the end in sight. This last lap will see every member giving their best and in the most motivated stage. A performing team is noticeable because of their collective attitude and outstanding progress/outcome.

Stage 5 is Adjourning – this is the post-goal stage where members have achieved what they have set to accomplish in the first place. Having reached this stage several possibilities will entail. 1. The team is dissolved as their purpose is met and members will go back to their own life with the knowledge and experience gained. 2. The team will remain intact and set out new goals. As goals are different but members are the same, the team will need to start from the Storming stage again.

Knowing the stages of team development will help you understand what to expect when working in a team and to recognize where you are in the timeline of the teamwork. Next snippet sharing (22nd) is Part 2 of teamwork where we will learn about what are the factors that can make a team successful. May the knowledge be useful and helpful. Any feedback received will be used to promote IMG e-learning.

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