Ayam Penyet @ D’Penyetz JEM

Review: Ayam Penyet @ D'Penyetz, JEM
We had family lunch at D'Penyetz located at 05-02 JEM, Jurong Gateway Road.  My Ayam Penyet was $7.50. We also tried Ayam Bakar $7.90, Ayam Geprek Mozarella $7.50, Ikan Bawal Bakar $8.90 and Tahu Telur $7.50. Nothing was a disappointment. In fact we ended up ordering 2 extra plate of white rice because the meals were simply authentically Indonesian. The sambal comes in several levels, so you can pick your own threshold for spiciness and the sambal were brought in from Indonesia (not prepared locally). As we know in any Ayam Penyet meal, the real deal is in the sambal and to me D'Penyetz got the best. Though we have a tasted a variety of drinks, Teh Botol $2.50 is a must. Value for money and totally great for taste.